Sabtu, 17 November 2012

Islamic Leadership

Oleh : Abdurrahman

Kepada seluruh mahasiswi Kelas A, B, C, dan D Kelas Matrikulasi Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam Tazkia, berikut ini adalah kisi-kisi untuk Ujian Tengah Semester untuk mata kuliah Islamic Leadership yang akan dilaksanakan pekan depan.

Kita telah mempelajari bagaimana Islamic Leadership menjadi satu model kepemimpinan yang ideal, namun menjadi seorang pemimpin tidaklah semudah yang dibayangkan karena memerlukan adanya berbagai persiapan dari dalam diri terlebih dahulu. dalam hal ini adalah sebelum ia bisa menjadi pemimpin bagi orang lai maka ia harus menjadi pemimpin bagi dirinya sendiri. 

Berikut ini adalah kisi-kisi Ujian Tengah Semester : 

1. Humans have a duty as Khalifatullah fil ard, what is the meaning of Khalifatullah fil ard? Mention your argument!
2. Islamic Leadership is an ideal model of leadership, what are the terms of a person capable of being a leader?
3. What is the fundamental difference between Leader and Manager?
4. Prophet Muhammad is a man of impeccable nature, between nature he is Fathanah, Amanah, Shidiq, and Tabligh. Explain briefly and precisely the properties of his life at the moment!
5. Among the self-concept is convinced that everything is predestined, how exactly is the position of the human will in an attempt to be human "perfection" (Insan Kamil)?
6. The imbalance between personal piety with social impact keshalehan personality selfish and self-serving. How can balance be achieved?
7. The Qur'an is the Book of Motivation, he always invites people to tread a better life. Type the two verses in the Qur'an which motivate yourself to be an incredible man!
8. An ideal personal will be able to put yourself well when working alone or working in a team, what are the keys to success Islamic Team Work to achieve a common goal?


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